Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Fall!

As students of Jin Shin Jyutsu, we know how the seasons can affect the body's flow of energy. Each season has energetic connections to specific organ function energies, not to mention our attitudes.

Since we've just entered into the Fall season, let's talk about just a few characteristics for this time of year:
- Fall is in the 2nd Depth, and the
color associated with Fall is white.
- The associated organs and functions are the lungs and large intestine.
- Attitudes in the 2nd Depth, when we're out of harmony, are grief (9) and sadness (9). When in harmony, we simply trust (8) and let go (14). (We'll talk about some numerology a little later...)

- Also, the Fall is cold and flu season. The immune system can be helped with 2nd Depth, so you can guess that a lot of folks are out of harmony in the 2nd Depth during 2nd Depth!

- A quickie to energize and balance our 2nd Depth is to simply hold the ring finger with the opposite hand, until you feel a rhythmic pulse. Then, do the other side.

- Another good flow would be the Reversing & Increasing of the 2nd Depth. Here's how it goes:

1) LH on L 2 / RH on R 24

2) RH to L 14

3) RH to R hi 1

4) RH to R 13

(reverse for other side)

So, treat yourself to a quick energy tune up!! Enjoy!

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